Mau Voucher Pulsa 50k. Yuk Jawab TTS Matematika!

Kabar gembira nih guys, pendidikan matematika membuat TTS Matematika tapi dalam Bahasa Inggris Berhadiah Pulsa 50 K


  1. Isi TTS di komentar mimin akan lihat mana yang paling cepat dalam menjawab, tidak perlu menunggu semua di jawab dahulu
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  3. Baca basmalah dulu sebelum menjawab ya Hehehe
  4. Perlu pertanyaan silahkan ke 085223186009

1. invers of addition is….
3. invers of plus is ….
4.a combination of points is called………..
5. seven hundred ninety three minus seven hundred eighty five equals….
7. garis tegak lurus pada bidang koordinat disebut
is …… notation
13. bahasa inggiris dari kubik adalah
16. . is ……… function
17. bentuk cincin dari saturnus
18. a new statement composed of two statement with the connecting word “and” the connecting word “and “ is notated by “^” called is…..
19. special relations that map exactly one member from the domain area to the kodomain area are called……

1. used to determine ……
2. sentence which truth values are still undetermined as it still contains variables……
6. a straight line that only touches the curve at a certain point is called…..
8. nama lain dari limas adalah (inggris)
10. length times width is …. rectangle
11. is ………number
12. is ……. equation
14. four thousand eight hundred forty three minus four thousand eight hundred thirty nine equals….
15. 4. to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle using the theorem


Wonder Woman Matematika Semester 2 Hehehe

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